10 May 2013

Oil Palm BMP (Best Management Practice) videos on YouTube

Best Management Practices for Oil Palm on Video:

Agriculture in South Asia and Southeast Asia regions is under extreme pressure to deliver unprecedented productivity to meet demand, while facing increasing pressures for land and water resources from other sectors. In Southeast Asia both subsistence and plantation crops are seeing sustained price increases. These are anticipated to continue for at least the medium term. In both cases, agricultural growth must be contained within the same ecological footprint. Land is not available for expansion in many areas. Even where it is, society demands that agriculture should not take more land but improve productivity to produce more from the same or less land and water resources. The only option is to intensify production and this seems easily achievable through the more intelligent use of existing technologies, and specifically so, plant nutrition - yields and efficiency of plantations is far from the potential and highly patchy. The goal is therefore to support intensification of oil palm plantation agriculture, which enables it to produce more while not increasing its ecological footprint, or reducing it where and when required.
IPNI has worked in close partnership with oil palm practitioners to conduct oil palm management research. The essential knowledge generated is shared and distributed via the IPNI Oil Palm Series of field handbooks, pocket guides, books and posters.

(This video production was made possible through the generous support of Belarusian Potash Company SRO and K+S KALI GmbH. Our heartfelt thanks to PT Rea Kaltim Plantations for providing the locations)

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