10 May 2013

Maize BMP (Best Management Practice) videos on YouTube

Maize Best Management Practices in Southeast Asia:

With more and more people in Southeast Asia incorporating meat into their daily diet, the demand for maize is expected to grow in the years to come. The International Plant Nutrition Institute and its partners in Southeast Asia are continuously working with farmers in the region to improve the productivity and profitability of maize cropping systems. To realize the full productive potential of their maize crop, farmers need to follow best management practices or BMPs all throughout the crop's growing season -- from land preparation to harvesting.

Developed in collaboration with partners in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam and with funding assistance from the International Potash Institute (IPI), the maize videos provide recommendations on BMPs for relevant aspects of crop and nutrient management in maize. The videos are available in DVD format in three languages: Filipino, Indonesian, and Vietnamese.

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