Oil Palm Series: Handbooks and Pocket Guides

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Since the publishing of the first oil palm handbook in 1998, the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) has continued to work in close partnership with oil palm practitioners to conduct oil palm management research. The essential knowledge generated is shared and distributed via the IPNI Oil Palm Series of field handbooks, pocket guides, books and posters.

Each publication is written with practice in mind
    • Every topic is presented concisely to give the readers exactly what they need, i.e. what, why and how
    • Useful to new-comers as well as experienced practitioners
    • For many organizations, IPNI Oil Palm Series is adopted as the oil palm plantations’ Standard Operating Procedure

The Field Handbooks and Pocket Guides are made to the highest quality
    • Weatherproof with lamination on every page; suitable for outdoor use
    • Wire-O binding allows folding back completely
    • Pocket Guides are small and handy for carrying around


Oil Palm Series, Volume 1 - Nursery
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 108 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 21 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm; 460 g
    • Description: A handbook for personnel in charge of nursery management. Includes specific instructions and information on site selection and preparation, irrigation, transplanting, monitoring seedling performance and deficiency symptoms.

Oil Palm Series, Volume 2 - Immature
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 154 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 21 cm x 15 cm x 2 cm; 640 g
    • Description: A handbook for personnel in charge of plantation development. Includes guidelines on land preparation for planting (surveying, land clearing, platform construction, legume cover) and procedures for immature maintenance (weeding, nutrient management and census activities).

Oil Palm Series, Volume 3 - Mature
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 134 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 21 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm; 570 g
    • Description: A handbook for personnel in charge of operations in mature plantings. Topics cover harvesting and delivery efficiency, weeding, nutrient management, mulching with empty fruit bunches, canopy management and pruning, and to a lesser extend pest and diseases.


The pocket-sized editions of the Nursery, Immature and Mature field handbooks were produced for use in the field; essentially contains the same information but in compact and summarized format. They are very handy for quick reference without having to bring the handbook out. The pocket guides are in A6 size.

Oil Palm Series, Volume 4 - Nursery
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 82 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm; 170 g
    • This pocket-sized edition of the Nursery Handbook contains all relevant information needed by field staff to implement best management practices in oil palm nurseries.

Oil Palm Series, Volume 5 - Immature
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 94 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.25 cm; 190 g
    • This pocket-sized edition of the Immature Handbook contains all relevant information needed by field staff to implement best management practices related to land preparation for planting and procedures for immature maintenance.

Oil Palm Series, Volume 6 - Mature
    • Authors: I.R. Rankine and T.H. Fairhurst
    • 100 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.25 cm; 200 g
    • This pocket-sized edition of the Mature Handbook contains all relevant information needed by field staff to implement best management practices in mature plantings.

Oil Palm Series, Volume 7 - Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management
    • Authors: T.H. Fairhurst, J.-P. Caliman, R. Härdter and C. Witt
    • 126 pages; Wire-O binding; laminated; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.5 cm; 240 g
    • This pocket guide provides essential information on leaf sampling, quantitative surveys on deficiency symptoms, and other important guidelines related to nutrient management. Includes a large annex with pictures of nutrient deficiency symptoms.

The handbooks and pocket guides are also available in Bahasa Indonesia.

Buku Lapangan: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 1 - Pembibitan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 108 mukasurat; berlamina; 21 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm; 480 g
    • Buku pegangan untuk pembibitan. Dilengkapi dengan informasi dan petunjuk pemilihan lokasi pembibitan dan persiapan lahan, instalasi irigasi, penanaman kecambah dan pemindahan dari pre-nursery ke main-nursery, pemantauan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bibit serta gejala defisiensi serta seleksi dan norma kerja.
Buku Lapangan: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 2 - Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 154 mukasurat; berlamina; 21 cm x 15 cm x 2 cm; 640 g
    • Buku pegangan untuk tanaman belum menghasilkan. Dilengkapi dengan panduan persiapan lahan (survey, persiapan lahan, pembuatan tapak kuda, kacangan penutup tanah) dan prosedur pemeliharaan tanaman belum menghasilkan (pengendalian gulma, manajemen nutrisi dan aktifitas sensus) dan norma kerja.

Buku Lapangan: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 3 - Tanaman Menghasilkan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 134 mukasurat; berlamina; 21 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm; 620 g
    • Buku pegangan untuk tanaman menghasilkan. Memuat informasi panen dan transportasi, pengendalian gulma, manajemen nutrisi, pemanfaatan janjangan kosong sebagai mulsa, penunasan dan manajemen kanopi, pengendalian hama dan penyakit serta norma kerja di areal menghasilkan.

Buku Petunjuk: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 4 - Pembibitan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 83 mukasurat; berlamina; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm; 160 g
    • Buku saku pembibitan kelapa sawit mencakup informasi “best management practices” yang dibutuhkan oleh staff pembibitan agar dapat menghasilkan bibit siap tanaman dengan kualitas yang baik.

Buku Petunjuk: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 5 - Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 98 mukasurat; berlamina; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.25 cm; 190 g
    • Buku saku tanaman belum menghasilkan, merupakan kumpulan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk staff lapangan yang akan menerapkan sistem “best management practices” di perkebunan kelapa sawit fase belum menghasilkan. Dengan panduan yang begitu practices mudah untuk dipahami sehingga dapat diterapkan dengan maksimal.

Buku Petunjuk: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 6 - Tanaman Menghasilkan
    • Pengarang: I.R. Rankine dan T.H. Fairhurst
    • 96 mukasurat; berlamina; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.25 cm; 190 g
    • Buku saku tanaman menghasilkan, merupakan kumpulan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk staff lapangan yang akan menerapkan sistem “best management practices” di perkebunan kelapa sawit fase menghasilkan. Panduan-panduan yang disampaikan mudah untuk dipahami dan diterapkan di lapangan.

Buku Petunjuk: Seri Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Volume 7 - Kelainan Hara dan Pengelolaannya
    • Pengarang: T.H. Fairhurst, J.-P. Caliman, R. Härdter dan C. Witt
    • 130 mukasurat; berlamina; 14 cm x 10 cm x 1.5 cm; 250 g
    • Buku saku tentang pengelolaan terhadap kelainan serta gejala defisiensi unsur hara tanaman kelapa sawit, menyediakan informasi-informasi terkini untuk proses pengambilan sample daun, survey gejala defisiensi unsur hara secara kuantitatif dan panduan-panduan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan manajemen nutrisi, dan dilengkapi dengan foto-foto gejala defisiensi unsur hara pada tanaman kelapa sawit.

Sample pages from the English and Indonesian versions of the Nursery Handbook:

>> English version

>> Bahasa Indonesia version

Click to download sections of the handbooks:

From the English versionFrom the Indonesian version
Table of contents: Nursery [~50 KB] Table of contents: Pembibitan[~50 KB]
Table of contents: Immature [~220 KB] Table of contents: Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan [~65 KB]
Table of contents: Mature [~160 KB] Table of contents: Tanaman Menghasilkan [~65 KB]
Nursery p1-4 [~250 KB] Pembibitan p1-4 [~300KB]
Immature p1-7 [~1500 KB] Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan p1-7 [~700 KB]
Mature p1-8 [~600 KB] Tanaman Menghasilkan p1-8 [~ 1000 KB]

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